Yes to Homes in Beckenham

Show your support for new homes in Beckenham

Step 1 of 2

  • This quick form will help you support Caerus Developments’ application for new sports facilities and homes on the former British Gas (CEGAS) Sports Ground.

    We need your name and address so that Bromley council registers your support.

  • Here's how your email will start:

      Dear Bromley Council planning,

      Planning application Number: 21/05503/FULL1; Sports Club Worsley Bridge Road Beckenham BR3 1RL

      I am writing to support the planning application, for the following reasons:

    Now you continue the email, by editing the text below as much or as little as you want:

  • On the next page, you'll have a chance to check your support email before you send it off. Press Next to see your email.